Dolmen Guarding
Tel :059 9134448
Richard 086 8911950 / Martin 086 0578166
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Securing your interests

Dolmen Guarding Limited was founded in May 2011. Our Contracts and Operations Manager is Richard Timmons who has over 20 years experience in the security industry.
We run our business with emphesis being placed on professionalism, safety and customer satisfaction. We carry all the necessary insurance including Public Liability, Employer Liability, Loss of Keys, Fidelity Guarantee, efficiency and Contractual Liability and Wrongful Arrest.
All our staff are highly trained ( both FETAC and comprenhisive inhouse training programmes) and as a result they are in a position to provide a quality service to all our clients.
In order to further demonstarate our professional approach here at Dolmen Guarding Limited, we have developed an comprehensive Operations Manual outlining our policies and procedures, This manaul is reveiwed on a regular basisand amended where necessary to reflect our changing profile within the security industry.